Fire Walks The Water (Vinyl) – 100 exclusive handnumbered and signed

Det ursprungliga priset var: €29.90.Det nuvarande priset är: €20.00.

Vinyl LP and promo CD + bonus (fullength CD 2006 s/t)

This is the first ever VINYL from Chainwreck. Exclusively released in 100 copies handnumbered and signed by the band. Only a few ex left!

+ you will also get all the songs on a promo CD.

As a bonus you will get the first s/t fullength album from 2006 on CD for free.

01. V.O.R.
02. Way
03. Laura Palmer
04. Misery
05. Daisy chain ethereal
06. Bloodsmoker
07. Youngblood
08. Failed by death
09. The curse and the worse
10. Thing

I lager

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